


阿拉莫全球挑战 is open to 都是澳门新葡京博彩区的在校生.

*Please note that trip dates may interfere with Summer I classes.



提交 an essay about “Nurturing Compassion and Fostering Peace in an Interconnected World.”



  • Deadline to submit application and essay: February 15, 2024 at midnight
  • 结果公布日期:2024年3月8日
  • 行程:2024年5月31日至6月8日



5名学生获得国际奖学金, 每个学院1名学生, 谁提交了示范性论文. Scholarship will fund most 旅行 expenses to Spain for students to attend and present at the HACU International Conference.





  • 都是澳门新葡京博彩区的在校生
  • 旅行时年满18岁的学生
  • A passport is not required to apply to any program; however, students will need one to 旅行 abroad.

学生出国旅行需要一个. 如果你已经有护照的话, check that you have at least six (6) months of validity remaining on it. If you do not have a passport, you need to apply for one immediately.



  • Copies of your passport need to be provided to the Office of 国际项目 no later than 2024年5月1日.


Nurturing Compassion and Fostering Peace in an Interconnected World



在一个以全球化为标志的时代, 互连, 文化多样性, the pursuit of compassion and peace transcends borders and holds immense significance for individuals and societies worldwide. This essay challenge invites you to reflect on the profound role of compassion and peace, 特别强调全球学习, 在我们不断变化的全球格局中.

检查接触不同文化的方式, 视角, and global issues can expand an individual's empathy and understanding, 最终促进和平共处. 探索并分享至少两个全球领导者的例子, 倡议, or movements that have championed compassion and peace on an international scale and analyze their strategies, 成就, 以及他们的工作对全球的影响.

提出 actionable steps and strategies that students and young leaders can initiate to promote global learning in their personal lives and within their communities. 借鉴你们的例子, emphasize the potential for collaborative efforts to create a more peaceful and compassionate world.

你的文章应该借鉴相关的研究, 个人经历, and global examples to provide a comprehensive exploration of the themes of compassion and peace in a global context. Consider the transformative power of compassion as a driving force for positive change in our interconnected world.

  • 文章长度必须在1200到1500字之间.
  • Essays must be original and have not been previously submitted in other contests or assignments.
  • 可接受的文件格式包括 .doc .阿霉素或 .pdf
  • Essay should be in 12-point, Ariel font; double spaced with normal margins.



  • 介绍 -简要介绍自己和文章的目的.
  • 反映 on the role compassion and peace play in Global Learning – Provide research, 个人经历, 和例子.
  • 检查 接触不同的文化, 视角, and global issues can expand empathy and understanding – Provide 2 examples of global leaders, 倡议, or movements that have championed compassion and peace on an international scale (be specific)
  • 提出 actionable steps and strategies that students and young leaders can initiate to promote global learning in their personal lives and communities – Provide specific details and actionable steps for community impact.
  • 结论 – summarize the key points made in the essay and how you hope to contribute to compassion and peace.


To submit your application, please click on the following link and proceed to upload your essay. 表格和提交过程在AlamoEXPERIENCE上. If the link is not working for you, please log in to your AlamoEXPERIENCE account and search for 2024年阿拉莫全球挑战赛.
